My 2020 Blue Mind Challenge

Today is Memorial Day 2020, Day#1 of the 7th Annual 100 Days of the Blue Mind Challenge. “What is Blue Mind?” you ask. “And what is the Blue Mind Challenge?”
Blue mind is the opposite of red mind.
As Charlie Chaplin once said, “We think too much and feel too little.” Red mind is too much hurry and worry. It’s being caught up in the past and the future at the expense of the present.
Blue mind, however, is the feeling of calm we experience when we slow things down. Even if we quiet our stressful thoughts for even a few minutes a day, we improve our health and well-being. Water can help us get our blue mind on.
In his New York Times bestseller, Blue Mind, Dr. Wallace J. Nichols shares the science of why we are happier, healthier and more connected when we are in, on or under the water. His book also reveals how we can foster love and caring for the Earth so that it can continue to care for us.
This summer Dr. Nichols is leading the 7th Annual 100 Days of the Blue Mind Challenge. I’m planning to participate by sharing my gratitude for water. From time to time I’ll share a post on my Facebook page. More often I’ll post my daily water joys on Twitter.
I hope it encourages you to take a few moments and find your own #waterjoys. If you like, share a few of your own thoughts or pictures. For the summer of 2020 let’s get our #bluemind on!
Click here for more info on the 7th Annual 100 Days of the Blue Mind Challenge.
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